The best works are those written when the author knows what he or she is talking about. I am not going to pretend to be witty or clever with my words nor am I going to explore topics I have only read about in a book somewhere. No, I'd rather just tell you a bit about the experiences I've had in my life that have shaped the person I am so far. Let's start from the top literally - the title of this blog.
So, mayonnaise soup sounds absolutely horrendous and would probably cause extremely loose stools that would ooze out of your anal cavity. Let's save the strength of your sphincter by NEVER trying it and proceed to just analyze the choice of words. It's simple really if you speak Spanish - "mayonnaise" is mayonesa and "soup" is sopa. Mayonesa rhymes with Vanessa and Sopa is two letters away from Soto. With a flick of the wrist and a round of the game "Telephone", Vanessa Soto became Mayonessa Sopa or Mayonnaise Soup for those that are challenged in the Castillian tongue.
Aside from this nickname, I have many others including but not limited to: Buttnessa, Flaca, Flexilalas, Ness/a, Van, Otos, and perhaps even some that I have never heard. There's no need to remember them all, in fact, you're welcome to come up with more.
I figure I had to offer some clarity on the name before I take off with my rants and musings. Glad we got that out of the way. Now we're on to the yummy stuff.
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